Legal notice and privacy policy

Legal notice and privacy policy

Legal notice and privacy policy

The direction  URL [web page: , as well as the subdomains  (from now on the websites) are commands registered by the Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa and his Estuary.

In fulfillment with the duty of information collected in article 10 of the Law 34/2002, of 11 July, of Services of the Information Society and of the E-commerce, informs  that this website is property of:

  • Entity: Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa and his Estuary (dependent of the Ministry responsible for public works).
  • NIF:  Q3667003 B
  • Social domicile:  Peirao of  Pasaxeiros, 1. 36600,  Vilagarcía of  Arousa (Pontevedra)- Spain
  • Email of contact:
  • Telephone: 986565129 /  Fax: 986565800

The website is an initiative of the Port authority of  Vilagarcía, conceived with a double purpose:

By a part, is a promotional tool and of diffusion of the information generated by and relative to the own activity of the Port authority, directed so much to the society in general like the port and logistical community, with information so much institutional as of commercial character-promotional; by another, is an instrument for the modernisation of the management of the Port authority, through the put to disposal of the companies of the port logistical chain and members of the port community of services of information, commercial and operative associated to the function of the port like logistical node for the maritime transport and  intermodal of commodities

The user engages  to not using the website neither the information offered in the same for the realisation of contrary activities to the Law, the morals or the public order, and to respect the instructions for use established by the company.

The Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa, manager of the website (from now on website), puts to disposal of the users the present document to inform about the instructions for use of the website.

The Port authority recommends to read attentively the present legal notice and other politics of data protection and legal texts, with previous character to the utilisation of the web page and the services in her available.

The fact to connect  to this web page involves the acceptance of the present legal notice. All person that access to this website assumes the paper of user, engaging to the observance and rigorous fulfillment of the here willing disposals, as well as to any another legal disposal that out of application.


The user will be the only responsible of the infringements in that it can incur or of the damages that can cause  to third by the undue and illegitimate utilisation of this website.

The Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa will not be responsible of the possible damages or damages that could derive  of interferences omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone failures or disconnections in the operative operation of this electronic system, motivated by extraneous causes to the Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa, of delays or blockades in the use of the present electronic system caused by deficiencies or overload of telephone lines, overload in the system of Internet or in other electronic systems.

The Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa through his web page offers information and services without guarantee expresses or implicit of his accuracy or integrity. The Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa does not guarantee the veracity neither holds responsible of the consequences that could derive of the errors in the proportionate contents by third that could appear in this website. The Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa exempts  of responsibility regarding the errors  tipográficos or  inexactitudes that could appreciate in the contents of his website.

Equally, the Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa neither holds responsible of the contents, products or services that can visualise by means of electronic links (links), direct or indirectly, through this website.

The user will be able to:

  • Access of free form and without need of previous permission to the contents and services of the available website like such, without prejudice to the technical conditions, particular or the need of the previous register concerning services and specific contents, as it determine  in these general conditions.
  • Use the services and available contents for his exclusively particular use, without prejudice to the had in the particular conditions that can regulate the use of a determinate service and/or content
  • Do a correct and lawful use of the website, of compliance with the valid legislation.

The user will not be able to:

  • Use the services, total or partially, to promote, sell, hire, spread advertising or own information or of third people without previous permission of the Port authority.
  • Use the services and contents offered through the website of contrary form to the general conditions of use and/or the particular conditions that regulate the use of a determinate service and/or content, and in damage or to the detriment of the rights of the rest of users.
  • Perform any action that prevent or hamper the access to the website by the users.
  • Employ any type of computer virus, code, software, computer program, computer team or of telecommunications, that can cause damages or unauthorised alterations of the contents, programs or accessible systems through the services and contents loaned in the website or in the systems of information, archives and computer teams of the users of the same; or the unauthorised access to any one contents and/or services of the web.
  • Perform any action that suppose the reproduction, distribution, copy, rent, public communication, transformation or any another similar action that suppose the modification or alteration, of everything or part of the contents and services of the website or the economic exploitation of the same, without the previous permission and by writing of the Port authority of  Vilagarcía or of the third owner of the intellectual property rights and industrial relative to the services or contents of the website and to save of the had in these general conditions or, in his case, particular conditions that regulate the use of a service and/or existent content in the website.

The Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa reserves  the following rights:

  • Modify the conditions of access to the website, technical or no, of unilateral form and without  preaviso to the users, without prejudice to the willing in the particular conditions that can regulate the use of a determinate service and/ or content of the website.
  • Establish particular conditions or other requirements for the access to determinate services and/or contents.
  • Limit, exclude or condition the access of the users when they do not give  all the guarantees of correct utilisation of the website by the same, according to the obligations and prohibitions assumed by the same.
  • Finalise the provision of a service or supply of a content, without right to compensation, when the same result illicit or contrary to the conditions established for the same, without prejudice to the had in the particular conditions that can regulate the use of a determinate service and/or content of the website.
  • Modify unilaterally and without prior notice, whenever it consider it timely, the structure and design of the website, as well as update, modify or suppress all or part of the contents or services and conditions of access and/or use of the website, being able to even limit or not allowing the access to said information.
  • Deny Anytime and without need of previous warning the access to the website to those users that break these general conditions.
  • Undertake any legal action or judicial that result convenient for the protection of the rights of the Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa.
  • Demand the compensation that could correspond by the undue or illicit use of everything or part of the services and contents loaned through the website.

The headline of the website is the Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa, with domicile in  Peirao of  pasaxeiros, 1, 36600  Vilagarcía of  Arousa and with  CIF  Q-3667003- B

The Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa is a dependent public organism of the Ministry responsible for public works, responsible of the management of the port of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa. It governs  by the text  refundido of the Law of Ports of the State and of the Marine  Mercante approved by the Legislative Royal decree 2/2001, of 5 September.


Tel. 986565 129. 

In fulfillment of the valid rule in matter of data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 ( GDPR), Organic Law of Data protection of Personal Character ( LOPDCP, 15/99), Regulation of Development of the  LOPDCP (Royal decree, 1720/2007, of 21 December), inform him of the Politics of Personal Data protection, regarding the treatment of the personal data, is the one who details  to continuation.

The manager of the treatment is the legal person that determines the ends and means of the treatment of personal data. In other words the manager decides how and with which purposes treat  the personal data.

To the effects of the present Political of Data protection, the manager of the treatment of the personal data is:

  • Manager of the treatment: Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa and his Estuary (dependent of the Ministry responsible for public works).
  • NIF:  Q3667003 B
  • Social domicile:  Peirao of  Pasaxeiros, 1. 36600,  Vilagarcía of  Arousa (Pontevedra)- Spain
  • Email of contact:
  • Telephone: 986565129 /  Fax: 986565800
  • Delegate of Data protection: Ports of the State, public organism attendant of the execution of the port politics of the Government of Spain and of the coordination and control of efficiency of the port system of titularity  estata

A personal data is all information on a physical person identified or identifiable.

For the purposes established in this Privacy policy, the manager collects and treats the personal data that explain  in each type of treatment, and that will depend on the different services that request or the contractual relation that was supported by our entity.

Our organisation engages  to treat with total confidentiality and to apply the measures of suitable security, of physical type, technician and organisational, for the protection of his personal data.

You guarantees and answers, in any case, of the veracity, accuracy, force and authenticity of the personal data provided and engages  to keep them properly up to date.

1.Which type of personal data treat?

  • Data  identificativos: name,  DNI, direction, telephone, email address, number of social security.
  • Data of personal characteristics: Sex, civil state, nationality, age, date and place of birth and familiar data.
  • Financial data: banking account.
  • Data of social circumstances: licences and permissions.
  • Academic and professional data: profession, charge, experience, degrees.
  • Others: A priori it is not possible to identify if they go  to register special categories of data, since the Register does not limit the content that can present the administered in an instance of free text.

2.With which purpose treat his personal data?
The purpose of the treatment is the Register of entrance and exit of documents, and his management. The Register (electronic) of documents is a legal obligation for all the Public Administrations that imposes the Law 39/2015, of 1 October, of common administrative procedure.

Our organisation engages  to treat with total confidentiality and to apply the measures of suitable security, of physical type, technician and organisational, for the protection of his personal data.

The personal data provided will conserve  while it keep  the relation of service requested by the interested in the entrance of the register of documents.

If it decides to cancel his personal data, these will be able to conserve in our databases during the planned terms by the legislation to be able to fulfil with the fiscal and countable obligations, and will be deleted once have prescribed said legal terms or those that are of application. Anyway, it will be  to the rule in matter of elimination of documents by the Public Administrations.

3.Which is the  legitimación for the treatment of his data?
The legal base for the treatment of his data is the fulfillment of a mission @realizar in public interest or in the exercise of public powers of the responsible, in virtue of the article 16 of the Law 39/2015, of 1 October, of Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations ( LPAC).

In determinate cases also will be it the execution of the agreement.

4.To which addressees will communicate  his data?
They do not @realizar  cessions, except which by legal obligation was necessary to @realizar to public organisms or to other administrative registers in virtue of the  art. 16 of the  LPAC.

On international transfers of personal data have not foreseen  for this treatment.

Treatment of data of “Employees”

1.Which type of personal data treat?

  • Data  identificativos: name,  DNI, direction, telephone, email address, number of social security.
  • Data of personal characteristics: Sex, civil state, nationality, age, date and place of birth and familiar data.
  • Financial data: banking account.
  • Data of social circumstances: licences and permissions.
  • Academic and professional data: profession, charge, experience, degrees.
  • Others: in some case will be able to have data like the degree of disability to effects of fulfillment of fiscal obligations.

2.With which purpose treat his personal data?
The purpose of the treatment is the management of the labour relation, the management of payrolls, the administrative management and of payments, the fulfillment of the fiscal and labour obligations of the company, control of accesses, the management of training and of the professional development, and the prevention of labour risks.

Our organisation engages  to treat with total confidentiality and to apply the measures of suitable security, of physical type, technician and organisational, for the protection of his personal data.

The personal data provided will conserve  while it keep  the labour relation. If it decides to cancel his personal data, these will be able to conserve in our databases during the planned terms by the legislation to be able to fulfil with the fiscal and countable obligations, and will be deleted once have prescribed said legal terms or those that are of application.

3.Which is the  legitimación for the treatment of his data?
The legal base for the treatment of his data is the execution of the agreement that links our labour relation, as well as the fulfillment of our legal obligations in fiscal matter, countable and administrative. In some case, also could request his consent for any another purpose, like the utilisation of his image in social networks or media.

Besides, the legal base for the treatment of his data is the fulfillment of a mission @realizar in public interest or in the exercise of public powers of the responsible, in virtue of the Basic Statute of the Public Employee.

4.To which addressees will communicate  his data?
They do not @realizar  cessions, except which by legal obligation was necessary to @realizar to public organisms like the Social Security (quotas of membership and data of employment),  INSS or the  SEPE, the Agency  Tributaria (data and fiscal retentions), the General Intervention of the State and the Court of Accounts, Legal profession of the State, Courts and Courts, Mutuality, or to the financial entities attendants to take part in the operative of payments of payrolls.

On international transfers of personal data have not foreseen  for this treatment.

1.¿Qué tipo de datos personales tratamos?

  • Datos identificativos: nombre, DNI, dirección, teléfono, dirección de correo electrónico, número de seguridad social.
  • Datos de características personales: Sexo, estado civil, nacionalidad, edad, fecha y lugar de nacimiento y datos familiares.
  • Datos financieros: cuenta bancaria.
  • Datos de circunstancias sociales: licencias y permisos.
  • Datos académicos y profesionales: profesión, cargo, experiencia, titulaciones.
  • Otros: en algún caso podremos tener datos como el grado de discapacidad a efectos de cumplimiento de obligaciones fiscales.


2.¿Con qué finalidad tratamos sus datos personales?

La finalidad del tratamiento es la gestión de la relación laboral, la gestión de nóminas, la gestión administrativa y de pagos, el cumplimiento de las obligaciones fiscales y laborales de la empresa, control de accesos, la gestión de formación y del desarrollo profesional, y la prevención de riesgos laborales.

Nuestra organización se compromete a tratar con total confidencialidad y a aplicar las medidas de seguridad adecuadas, de tipo físico, técnico y organizativo, para la protección de sus datos personales.

Los datos personales proporcionados se conservarán mientras se mantenga la relación laboral. Si decide cancelar sus datos personales, estos podrán conservarse en nuestras bases de datos durante los plazos previstos por la legislación para poder cumplir con las obligaciones fiscales y contables, y serán eliminados una vez hayan prescrito dichos plazos legales o aquellos que sean de aplicación.

3.¿Cuál es la legitimación para el tratamiento de sus datos?

La base legal para el tratamiento de sus datos es la ejecución del contrato que vincula nuestra relación laboral, así como el cumplimiento de nuestras obligaciones legales en materia fiscal, contable y administrativa. En algún caso, también podríamos solicitar su consentimiento para alguna otra finalidad, como la utilización de su imagen en redes sociales o medios de comunicación.

Además, la base legal para el tratamiento de sus datos es el cumplimiento de una misión realizada en interés público o en el ejercicio de poderes públicos del responsable, en virtud del Estatuto Básico del Empleado Público.

4.¿A qué destinatarios se comunicarán sus datos?

No se realizan cesiones, salvo las que por obligación legal sea necesario realizar a organismos públicos como la Seguridad Social (cuotas de afiliación y datos de empleo), INSS o el SEPE, la Agencia Tributaria (datos y retenciones fiscales), la Intervención General del Estado y el Tribunal de Cuentas, Abogacía del Estado, Juzgados y Tribunales, Mutualidad, o a las entidades financieras encargadas de intervenir en la operativa de pagos de nóminas.

Sobre transferencias internacionales de datos personales No se han previsto para este tratamiento.

1.Which type of personal data treat?

  • Data  identificativos: name,  DNI, direction, telephone, email address, number of social security.
  • Data of personal characteristics: Sex, civil state, nationality, age, date and place of birth and familiar data.
  • Academic and professional data: profession, charge, experience, degrees.

2.With which purpose treat his personal data?
We treat the personal data that facilitate us for the management of the processes of selection of the organisation.

Our organisation engages  to treat with total confidentiality and to apply the measures of suitable security, of physical type, technician and organisational, for the protection of his personal data.

The personal data provided will conserve  while they last the processes of selection. Anyway, we will conserve his data for future processes of selection inside the back year to the sending of the data.

3.Which is the  legitimación for the treatment of his data?
The legal base for the treatment of his data is his consent express.

Besides, the legal base for the treatment of his data is the fulfillment of a mission @realizar in public interest or in the exercise of public powers of the responsible, in virtue of the Basic Statute of the Public Employee.

4.To which addressees will communicate  his data?
They do not go  to yield his personal data to any entity, except which are necessary by legal obligation.

On international transfers of personal data have not foreseen  for this treatment.

1.Which type of personal data treat?

  • Data  identificativos: name,  DNI, direction, telephone, email address.
  • Financial data: banking account, data card credit.
  • Academic and professional data: profession, charge, experience, degrees.
  • Relative data to transactions: products and services supplied.

2.With which purpose treat his personal data?
The purpose of the treatment is the management of the biddings and contractings of goods, works and services, of compliance with the had in the Law 9/2017, of 8 November, of agreements of the public sector.

Our organisation engages  to treat with total confidentiality and to apply the measures of suitable security, of physical type, technician and organisational, for the protection of his personal data.

The personal data provided will conserve  while it keep  the contractual relation. If it decides to cancel his personal data, these will be able to conserve in our databases during the planned terms by the legislation to be able to fulfil with the fiscal and countable obligations, as well as the guarantees in matter of contracting (obligations of maintenance of information and advertising in the profiles) and will be deleted once have prescribed said legal terms or those that are of application.

3.Which is the  legitimación for the treatment of his data?
The legal base for the treatment of his data is the execution of the agreement that links our relation of customer or provider, as well as the fulfillment of our legal obligations in fiscal matter, countable and administrative.

Besides, the legal base for the treatment of his data is the fulfillment of a mission @realizar in public interest or in the exercise of public powers of the responsible, in virtue of the Law 9/2017, of agreements of the public sector.

The communication of offers and promotions that could be of his interest is based in the consent express that it requests him . Without prejudice to this, besides in virtue of the  art. 21.2 of the Law 34/2002, of services of the society of the information and e-commerce, is not necessary the consent when it exist a previous contractual relation, whenever his data have obtained  of lawful form and are used for the sending of commercial communications referents to products or services of our similar company to which initially went object of contracting with you, like customer or provider.

4.To which addressees will communicate  his data?
They do not go  to yield his personal data to any entity, except which are necessary by legal obligation, as well as those necessary to carry out our commercial activities like the cession to financial entities to perform payments.

On international transfers of personal data have not foreseen  for this treatment.

1.Which type of personal data treat?

  • Data  identificativos: name,  DNI, direction, telephone, email address.
  • Financial data: banking account, data card credit.
  • Academic and professional data: profession, charge, experience, degrees.
  • Relative data to transactions: products and services supplied.

2.With which purpose treat his personal data?
The purpose of the treatment is the management of the penalizing procedures in front of infringements committed by the users of the port installations.

Our organisation engages  to treat with total confidentiality and to apply the measures of suitable security, of physical type, technician and organisational, for the protection of his personal data.

The personal data provided will conserve  while they do not pass the planned terms by the legislation for the prescription of the infringements and sanctions, of compliance with the  art. 309 et seq. of the Legislative Royal decree 2/2011, by which approves  the text  refundido of the Law of Ports of the State and the Marine  Mercante. Specifically they will be 5 years.

3.Which is the  legitimación for the treatment of his data?
The legal base for the treatment of his data is the fulfillment of a mission @realizar in public interest or in the exercise of public powers of the responsible, in virtue of:

  • Legislative royal decree 2/2011, of 5 September, Law of Ports of the State and of the Marine  Mercante:  arts. 295 et seq. on diet of police and port police.
  • Organic law 4/2015, of 30 March, of protection of the citizen security: it GIVES 6ª
  • Regulation of Exploitation and Police of the Port authority of  Vilagarcía of  Arousa

4.To which addressees will communicate  his data?
They do not go  to yield his personal data to any entity, except which are necessary by legal obligation:

  • Bodies and Security forces
  • Judged and Courts
  • Administration  Tributaria
  • Legal profession of the Been
  • Council of Been
  • General Intervention of the State and Court of Accounts

On international transfers of personal data have not foreseen  for this treatment.

1.Which type of personal data treat?

  • Data  identificativos: name,  DNI, direction, telephone, email address.

2.With which purpose treat his personal data?
The purpose of the treatment is the management of data of commercial contacts and of potential customers.

Also it has foreseen  the purpose of advertising and  prospección commercial, for which requests  the consent express of the interested.

Our organisation engages  to treat with total confidentiality and to apply the measures of suitable security, of physical type, technician and organisational, for the protection of his personal data.

The personal data provided will conserve  while it keep  the relation of contact and do not exert his right to opposition, that will be able to request anytime.

3.Which is the  legitimación for the treatment of his data?
The legal base for the treatment of his data is his consent express.

4.To which addressees will communicate  his data?
They do not go  to yield his personal data to any entity, except which are necessary by legal obligation.

On international transfers of personal data have not foreseen  for this treatment.

1.Which type of personal data treat?

  • Data  identificativos:
  • Respecto to the control of access: name and surnames,  DNI/ NIF, direction, telephone, company/administration, signature
  • Respecto to the  videovigilancia: image

2.With which purpose treat his personal data?
The purpose of the treatment is the maintenance of the security in the port installations and the control of accesses of the Port authority, through the capture and the recording of images by a system of cameras of  video ( videovigilancia) of enclosed circuit.

Our organisation engages  to treat with total confidentiality and to apply the measures of suitable security, of physical type, technician and organisational, for the protection of his personal data.

The personal data provided will conserve  at most a month according to the rule of  videovigilancia, except that his conservation have to be greater for the put to disposal of the police or judicial authorities.

3.Which is the  legitimación for the treatment of his data?
The legal base for the treatment of his data is the legitimate interest of the organisation.

Besides, the legal base for the treatment of his data is the fulfillment of a mission @realizar in public interest or in the exercise of public powers of the responsible, in base to the  TR of the Law of Ports of the State and the Marine  Mercante.

4.To which addressees will communicate  his data?
They do not go  to yield his personal data to any entity, except which are necessary to the Bodies and Security forces, as well as to Courts and Courts by legal obligation.

On international transfers of personal data have not foreseen  for this treatment.

1.Which type of personal data treat?

  • Data  identificativos: name,  DNI, direction, telephone, email address.
  • Financial data: banking account, data card credit.
  • Academic and professional data: profession, charge, experience, degrees.
  • Relative data to transactions: products and services supplied.

2.With which purpose treat his personal data?
The purpose of the treatment is the management of the records and announcements of the Board of directors and of the administrative procedures related.

Our organisation engages  to treat with total confidentiality and to apply the measures of suitable security, of physical type, technician and organisational, for the protection of his personal data.

The personal data provided will conserve  while it keep  the relation of member of the Board of directors.

If it decides to cancel his personal data, these will be able to conserve in our databases during the planned terms by the legislation to be able to fulfil with the legal obligations, especially, fiscal and countable, and will be deleted once have prescribed said legal terms or those that are of application.

3.Which is the  legitimación for the treatment of his data?
The legal base for the treatment of his data is the execution of the agreement (nomination) , as well as the fulfillment of a mission @realizar in public interest or in the exercise of public powers of the responsible, in virtue of the Legislative Royal decree 2/2011, of 5 September, Law of Ports of the State and of Marina  Mercante ( art. 30)

4.To which addressees will communicate  his data?
They do not go  to yield his personal data to any entity, except which are necessary by legal obligation (Legislative Royal decree 2/2011, of 5 September, Law of Ports of the State and of the Marine  Mercante:  art. 18, and 40), as well as those necessary for the cession to financial entities to @realizar payments.

Specifically they will yield  data to:

  • Ministerio Of Promotion and Ports of the State
  • Agencia State of the Administration  Tributaria
  • Intervención General of the Administration of the State and Court of Accounts

On international transfers of personal data have not foreseen  for this treatment.

Treatment of data of “Users of port installations”

1.Which type of personal data treat?

  • Data  identificativos: name,  DNI, direction, telephone, email address.
  • Financial data: banking account, data card credit.
  • Academic and professional data: profession, charge, experience, degrees.
  • Relative data to transactions: products and services supplied.

2.With which purpose treat his personal data?
The purpose of the treatment is the management of users of the port installations and of the Place of Border Inspection ( PIF), already are physical people linked to companies,  consignatarias or societies of  estiba, as well as the countable management, fiscal and administrative with these.

Our organisation engages  to treat with total confidentiality and to apply the measures of suitable security, of physical type, technician and organisational, for the protection of his personal data.

The personal data provided will conserve  while it keep  the relation of member of the Board of directors.

If it decides to cancel his personal data, these will be able to conserve in our databases during the planned terms by the legislation to be able to fulfil with the legal obligations, especially, fiscal and countable, and will be deleted once have prescribed said legal terms or those that are of application.

3.Which is the  legitimación for the treatment of his data?
The legal base for the treatment of his data is the execution of the agreement (user of services), as well as the fulfillment of a mission @realizar in public interest or in the exercise of public powers of the responsible, in virtue of the Legislative Royal decree 2/2011, of 5 September, Law of Ports of the State and of the Marine  Mercante.

4.To which addressees will communicate  his data?
They do not go  to yield his personal data to any entity, except which are necessary by legal obligation (Legislative Royal decree 2/2011, of 5 September, Law of Ports of the State and of the Marine  Mercante:  art. 40), as well as those necessary for the cession to financial entities to @realizar payments.

Specifically they will yield  data to:

  • Ministerio Of Promotion and Ports of the State
  • Agencia State of the Administration  Tributaria
  • Intervención General of the Administration of the State and Court of Accounts

On international transfers of personal data have not foreseen  for this treatment.

1.¿Qué tipo de datos personales tratamos?

  • Datos identificativos: nombre, DNI, dirección, teléfono, dirección de correo electrónico.
  • Datos financieros: cuenta bancaria, datos tarjeta crédito.
  • Datos académicos y profesionales: profesión, cargo, experiencia, titulaciones.
  • Datos relativos a transacciones: productos y servicios suministrados.

2.¿Con qué finalidad tratamos sus datos personales?

La finalidad del tratamiento es la gestión de usuarios de las instalaciones portuarias y del Puesto de Inspección Fronterizo (PIF), ya sean personas físicas vinculadas a empresas, consignatarias o sociedades de estiba, así como la gestión contable, fiscal y administrativa con estos.

Nuestra organización se compromete a tratar con total confidencialidad y a aplicar las medidas de seguridad adecuadas, de tipo físico, técnico y organizativo, para la protección de sus datos personales.

Los datos personales proporcionados se conservarán mientras se mantenga la relación de miembro del Consejo de Administración.

Si decide cancelar sus datos personales, estos podrán conservarse en nuestras bases de datos durante los plazos previstos por la legislación para poder cumplir con las obligaciones legales, en especial, fiscales y contables, y serán eliminados una vez hayan prescrito dichos plazos legales o aquellos que sean de aplicación.

3.¿Cuál es la legitimación para el tratamiento de sus datos?

La base legal para el tratamiento de sus datos es la ejecución del contrato (usuario de servicios), así como el cumplimiento de una misión realizada en interés público o en el ejercicio de poderes públicos del responsable, en virtud del Real Decreto Legislativo 2/2011, de 5 septiembre, Ley de Puertos del Estado y de la Marina Mercante.

4.¿A qué destinatarios se comunicarán sus datos?

No se van a ceder sus datos personales a ninguna entidad, salvo las que sean necesarias por obligación legal (Real Decreto Legislativo 2/2011, de 5 septiembre, Ley de Puertos del Estado y de la Marina Mercante: art. 40), así como aquellas necesarias para la cesión a entidades financieras para realizar pagos.

Concretamente se cederán datos a:

  • Ministerio de Fomento y Puertos del Estado
  • Agencia Estatal de la Administración Tributaria
  • Intervención General de la Administración del Estado y Tribunal de Cuentas

Sobre transferencias internacionales de datos personales No se han previsto para este tratamiento.

Of compliance with the applicable rule in matter of data protection, You has a series of rights in relation with the treatment of his personal data. The exercise of these rights will be free for you, except in the cases in that they formulate  applications manifestly unfounded or excessive, especially by repetitive. We will attend to the greater shortness the exercise of his rights and anyway inside the term of 1 month.

These rights are the following:

1. Right of information: You has right to be informed of concise way, transparent, intelligible and of easy access, with a clear and simple language, on the utilisation and treatment of his personal data.
2. Right of access: You has right to request us anytime that we confirm him if we are treating his personal data, to that we facilitate him access to the same and to the information on his treatment and to obtain a copy of said data. The copy of his personal data that facilitate him will be free although the application of additional copies will be able to be subject to the collection of a reasonable quantity based in the administrative costs. On our part, we will be able to ask him that it accredit his identity or require him more information that was necessary to manage his application.
3. Right of rectification: You has right to request the rectification of the inaccurate personal data, no up to date or incomplete that concern him. Also it will be able to request that they complete  the personal data that are incomplete, included by means of an additional statement.
4. Right of suppression: You has right to request the suppression of his personal data when, among others reasons, the data no longer are necessary for the ends for which went collected. Nevertheless, this right is not absolute, so that our organisation will be able to follow keeping them properly blocked in the planned suppositions by the applicable rule.
5. Right to limit the treatment: You has right to request that we limit the treatment of his personal data what means that we will be able to follow storing them, but not following treating them if it fulfils  any of the following conditions:

  • that You impugn the accuracy of the data, during a term that allow to the responsible verify the accuracy of the same;
  • the treatment was illicit and You   oponga to the suppression of the data and request in his place the limitation of his use;
  • our entity no longer need the data for the ends of the treatment, but You need them for the formulation, the exercise or the defence of claims;
  • You have  opposite to the treatment, while it verifies  if the legitimate reasons of our entity prevail on his.

6. Right to the portability of the data: You has right to that his data are transmitted to another manager of the treatment in a format structured, of common use and mechanical reading. This right applies  when the treatment of his personal data was based in the consent or in the execution of an agreement and said treatment effect  by means automated.
7. Right of opposition: This right allows him  oponerse to the treatment of his personal data, included the preparation of profiles. We will not be able to attend to his right only when we treat his data in the case that we accredit legitimate reasons for the treatment or for the formulation, the exercise or the defence of claims.
8. Right to not to subject to decisions automated, included profiles: This right allows him not being object of a decision based only in the treatment automated, included the preparation of profiles, that produce -said decisions- juridical effects or affect him of similar way. Except that said decision was necessary for the celebration or execution of an agreement, was authorised by a law or base  in the consent.
9. Right to withdraw the consent: In the cases in which we have obtained his consent for the treatment of his personal data in relation with determinate activities (for example, with the end to send him commercial communications), will be able to withdraw it anytime. Of this form, will leave to @realizar this concrete activity for which had consented previously, except that it exist another reason that justify the continuity of the treatment of his data with these ends, in whose case, will notify him said situation.
10. Right to present a claim in front of an authority of control: You has right to present a claim in front of the Spanish Agency of Data protection, C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid, 901 100 099 - 912 663 517 (, or in the in the electronic direction:
it will be able to exercise the before indicated rights, sending us a communication to the physical direction or to the electronic direction indicated up, accompanying a supporting document of his identity and providing the necessary details to process his application.

The interested can obtain additional information on his rights in the web page of the Spanish Agency of Data protection,

The access to this Website is exclusive responsibility of the user, and supposes to accept and know the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained in her. The user guarantees the authenticity and veracity of all those data that communicate so much in the  cumplimentación of the forms of register as in any another back moment, being of his responsibility the update the information supplied, of such form that reflect his real situation. The user will be responsible of the  inexactitud or fault of veracity of the information contributed.

The USER engages  to do a suitable use of the contents and services (as for example services of chat, forums of discussion or groups of news) that our company offers through his portal and with character  enunciativo, but no limiting, to not to employ them stops:

( i)                  Incur in illicit activities, illegal or contrary to the good faith and to the public order;

( ii)                Spread contents or propaganda of racist character, xenophobe,  pornográfico-illegal, of apologia of the terrorism or  atentatorio against the human rights;

( iii)               Cause damages in the physical and logical systems of Name of the company creator of the website, of his providers or of third people, enter or spread in the network computer viruses or any one other physical or logical systems that they are susceptible to cause the previously mentioned damages;

( iv)              Try access and, in his case, use the accounts of email of other users and modify or manipulate his messages.

Our company reserves  the right to withdraw all those comments and contributions that  vulneren the respect to the dignity of the person, that are discriminatory, xenophobe, racist,  pornográficos, that attack against the youth or the infancy, the order or the public security or that, in his opinion, did not result adapted for his publication.

In any case, the organisation will not be responsible of the opinions poured by the users through the forums, chats, or other tools of participation.

The user forces  to respect the intellectual property rights of the organisation. The use or the granting of access to this Website do not comport the  otorgamiento of right any on the marks, commercial names or any another distinctive sign that use  in the same.

Inside the expression “Website” comprise  -with character  delimitativo but no limiting- the data, texts, charts, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographies and other included in the same, and, in general, all the creations expressed by any half or support, tangible or intangible with independence that they are susceptible or no of copyright of agreement to the Text  Refundido of the Law of Copyright.

They remain forbidden the downloads of this Website for commercial ends, by what the user will not be able to explode, reproduce, distribute, modify, communicate publicly, yield, transform or use the content of this Website with commercial ends.

Likewise, in virtue of the established in this Legal notice, remains forbidden the total or partial reproduction of the contents of this Website without permission expresses of the author and without that they can understand yielded to the user by the access to the same.

The present general conditions and the individuals that  eventualmente can establish, and with the editorial that present in each moment, have an indefinite length, and will remain in force while the portal continue active. The company reserves  anyway the unilateral right to modify the conditions of access to the same, as well as his content.

The person that accesses to the website accepts and forces  to the fulfillment of the following instructions for use: The user engages  to use the services and informations that offer  in the website in the form that present , without modifying the contents and for his exclusive use, without being able to yield in any form, neither notify to anybody the same and remains forced to use them in his own and only interest in the form that corresponds according to the nature of the contents. The user engages  to use his keys of access (name of user and password) for exclusive use of the user title of the same and his custody, confidentiality and correct utilisation are of his exclusive responsibility. Our company reserves  the right to modify these general conditions of use anytime and without prior notice, by what the user forces  to review the present General Conditions every time that it access to the website. Our company, will not be responsible by any damage that the user or third can cause like consequence that other people use his password, so much with his knowledge as without him. The utilisation of the Services and of the Contents of the website is under the only and exclusive responsibility of the Users.

The Users are conscious and accept voluntarily, that the use of the Page and of the Services and of the Contents takes place, anyway, under his only and exclusive responsibility.

In particular, our company does not guarantee the continuity, availability and utility of the website, of his Services and Contents. Thus, it does not answer by the possible damages and damages of any nature that could derive  for the users.

Our company neither guarantees the absence of virus neither of other elements that can produce alterations in the computer system of the users or in the electronic documents or files stored in him. Thus, it does not answer of the possible damages and damages of any nature that could derive  for the users.

These General Conditions of Use of the Website govern by the Spanish legislation.

The parts, with expresses renunciation to his own fuero, subject for the resolution of those that litigios could derive the Courts and Courts of Vilagarcía of Arousa.

Fulfilling with the duty of information in matter of resolution of  litigios on line according to the  Art. 14.1 of the Regulation (EU) 524/2013, inform him that the European Commission facilitates a platform of resolution of  litigios on line, that finds  to his disposal in the following link: